Why Ughpply?

Applying sucks. We know it. You know it.

We built Ughpply to try to make job application tracking and interviewing easier. The job interviewing process is inherently tough, frustrating, and sometimes painful, but is typically necessary for both career advancement and to make (more) money.

During Henry’s career journey, he built out a job application tracker in excel. The spreadsheet was very basic and was able to track his applications and the job links, however it didn’t have all the functionality that he needed. It lacked a way to see how many interviews were in-flight, his notes for specific roles, and any sort of meaningful metrics. He ended up spending more mental energy figuring out the tracking spreadsheet and not preparing for interviews. And honestly, it also looked terrible. Since he spends most working days heads down in Excel, he also didn’t really want to get off work and open another spreadsheet.

This is where the idea for Ughpply came from. He didn’t have a name yet but he knew what he wanted - one place for everything. He wanted something with more functionality, meaningful data, and packaged with great UI that didn’t feel like another spreadsheet.

Sheila had similar pain points while applying for new jobs in the tech industry. Instead of building out her own job application spreadsheet or app, she had simply tracked the status, name, and date of the application in her notes app. After several months, she realized this wasn’t sustainable and lacked meaningful data (interviews, notes, job links, role name, contacts, etc.) and began looking for an alternative- and didn’t find one that quite fit what she was looking for.

After commiserating about the frankly miserable job application process and the lack of good application trackers, we decided to build it. Combining our tech and product skills with our own painful experiences, Ughpply went from an idea to reality.

It’s all the features we wanted (nearly- more to come very soon!). You can add job applications, add interviews to see progression within each application, take notes, add salary ranges, and even add common questions you get with your own responses to refer to during an interview.

We hope you enjoy it and that it makes your job application and interview process a little bit easier. Let us know if you have any feedback or features that you’d like to see added- we want to be a change for the better in this space.

Henry and Sheila

Spelt Ughpply, pronounced “apply”. But with the disgust of "ugh".

Have feedback? We'd love to hear it.

© 2024 Ughpply